Indoor pool dehumidification

Choosing a Replacement Indoor Pool Dehumidifier: Key Factors and Features

Every indoor pool facility is different, requiring its own specialized system to meet the needs of its guests. But even the best dehumidification system will eventually go beyond its useful life and require replacement.

Maybe you have a system that works and you want to maintain that while making modern upgrades. Maybe you’re unhappy with your indoor pool dehumidification system and you’re looking to find something better.

Whatever led you to pursuing a replacement dehumidifier, we’re here to help you find the perfect solution for you. When purchasing a replacement indoor pool dehumidifier, there are several factors and features to keep in mind so you get the right option for your needs.

Key Considerations when Choosing a Replacement Indoor Pool Dehumidifier

Pool Size and Humidity Load

Calculate the volume of the pool room, including the height of the ceiling, to determine the overall air volume that needs dehumidifying. You’ll also need to account for the evaporation rate of the water in the pool. This helps determine how powerful the dehumidification system needs to be. The larger the pool surface, the higher the evaporation rate, leading to increased humidity.

Higher water and air temperatures increase evaporation rates. Frequent pool use also raises humidity levels.

Dehumidification Capacity

Measured in pints per day (ppd), this indicates how much moisture the unit can remove from the air. A dehumidifier should be capable of handling the maximum expected humidity load. Calculate this by considering the evaporation rate from the pool and any additional sources of moisture. For larger indoor pools, commercial-grade units with higher ppd ratings may be necessary.

Airflow rate, measured in cubic feet per minute (CFM), represents the amount of air passing through a single point in one minute. CFM is another important measurement when considering ventilation needs. A higher airflow rate ensures faster moisture removal and more efficient air circulation.

Installation Requirements

Make sure the dehumidifier unit you’re looking at fits in the available space. Some systems are designed specifically for indoor or outdoor use, for example. Before you buy, triple-check that your system will fit in the space you have available.

Proper ventilation is also key for the dehumidifier to function efficiently. Will additional vents and ductwork be required for your desired unit? If so, then that work should be factored into the unit’s cost – which may make it the wrong choice for your needs.

Maintenance and Durability

Choose a dehumidifier with easy access for maintenance and parts that are easy to replace. Units with features like washable air filters and accessible drainage systems simplify upkeep. The primary way to prevent ongoing service costs is to ensure the unit is constructed from corrosion-resistant materials, given the high humidity and potential exposure to pool chemicals. Units with stainless steel or coated aluminum components resist corrosion better in humid, chlorinated environments.

Control Systems and Features

Better controls, whether through precise humidistats or other mechanisms, mean more comfortable pool environments. They also make it simpler to lower energy costs, giving you control over when the dehumidification unit runs.

A few modern indoor pool dehumidifiers also offer remote monitoring systems through apps and other tools. Seresco units feature remote control and monitoring via WebSentry, making it easier to manage pool conditions.

Operating Cost

Replacing an indoor pool dehumidifier can be costly up-front. While it’s tempting to go with the most affordable option, that may not be the best choice in the long run.  Poorly constructed units may be cheaper, but they can result in countless service visits and may need to be quickly replaced themselves. Lower capacity units tend to be more affordable, but they may not have the output needed to keep moisture from gathering in your building. That can lead to massive construction and repair costs.

Energy efficiency, durable materials, and simple installation processes can all make a dehumidification unit more expensive at the on-set. Each of these features can save you substantial money in the long term, whether by keeping the unit in good working order as it ages or simply cutting your energy costs. When it comes to replacement indoor pool dehumidifiers, an early investment in a high-quality system always pays off.

In the market for a replacement indoor pool dehumidifier? Seresco can help!

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